About LD2L

This is a league for players below 4K MMR to play Dota in a competitive-style setting without pressure from 5k+ players as may be common in RD2L or other leagues. The goal is to learn about playing Dota in general and about playing in a competitive team-based setting. External coaching, review, and education based on the games is encouraged but not guaranteed.

The league is based in North America on the US East server. But we have consistently had players from EU, SA, as well as CIS whose ping permitted them to play comfortably on US East.


The website is http://ld2l.gg. Congrats, you're already there. The website handles preseason inhouse queueing, drafting, matchups and results, as well as historical data on league players and teams.


LD2L maintains a strong Discord community which you can join here: https://discord.gg/kwTmcub

Announcements and news are posted to both the site and Discord.

Joining Discord is mandatory for participating in the league.


LD2L is currently run by two admins based in North America, who can be reached on discord individually or via the @League Admin tag:

There are also several retired admins who have helped out over the years:

Plus there are many streamers, bloggers, and memers in the community on Discord contributing to the league throughout the season.

LD2L is a BSD licensed open source project, with up-to-date source code available at https://github.com/gmalysa/ld2l. Information on ld2l.gg is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Some information is obtained from the Dota 2 Wiki under the terms of the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license. Currently, this includes only medal icons with stars. Hero portraits, image portraits, the dota 2 logo, the steam logo, and other Valve assets are property of Valve Corporation.